Tuesday, July 19, 2011

You are a sick human being -- Human Trafficking

This morning we visited the city government and leanred how water resources are utilized and maximized.  We visited the Water Management System.  It was good to learn the improvements that the local government officials are doing to better the city.  In the evening we were visited by G-WAVE an NGO that focuses on human trafficking here in Dumaguete.  I was very shocked to learn that Dumaguete serves as one of the main ports for Human Trafficking.  Many human trafficked women come through here before they are shipped off to Manila.  This crime really disgusts me.  It is one of the worst crimes that human beings have committed.  How can a human being be so cruel and cold hearted?  How can a human being take these poor innocent girls and sell their bodies?  These people are sick, they aren’t human.  But poverty makes them do crazy things.  I learned that some families are poor so they sell their daughters to foreigners.  The foreigners however, don’t tell the families that they are going to traffic their daughters; the foreigners say that they will take them to the city where they will work and earn money.  The families have no idea that their daughters are being sold for sex.  The Philippines is pretty high up there on the list for human trafficking.  Thailand is number one and the Philippines is number three.  My legs were weak the entire time of the presentation; it’s simply sickening what they do to these women.  We watched a video presentation on the story of how this little 8 year old girl was sold into the market.  I cried.  I thought about the little prostituted girls that I spent time with in Davao.  Their stories are probably similar.  It wasn’t until this trip that I have encountered an human trafficked girl.  I still get chills thinking about it.  I can't even imagine benig put into a situation like that.  I am utterly disgusted with the fact that such people exist in our world.   What is our world coming to?  What has humanity turned in to?  Once again I find myself asking, “What can I do to help? What can I do to help? What can I do to help?......”  I have murmured those words quite often while on this trip. 

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