Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Where does rice come from??

I actually never really thought about where rice comes from.  Today I got to find out.  We took a nice hour and a half drive to the country side of Davao to plant rice.  As we entered the country roads, some of us decided to jump on top of the jeepney for a ride.  It was such a relaxing experience.  I felt so free sitting on top of the roof letting the wind blow through my hair, breathing in the fresh country air, I couldn’t help but smile to myself and think about how much I was loving this experience, and this country, and my life.
We first started the process of planting the rice by plowing the mud area.  We used a carabao to plow.  It was actually pretty easy.  Then once the area was prepared, we began.  We had to plan the little stems one by one in rows a straight row.  It was strenuous to our back cause we had to keep bending down and  stepping back.  But I shouldn’t even complain because these farmers do it for 8 hours!  After 30 minutes I was tired.  I give them props.  These farmers are hard workers.  I am really glad I got to do this.  How many people can say they’ve planted rice before?  Now I will appreciate every single grain of rice that I eat because I know how hard it is to get.  Once we were done planting, we ate a yummy Filipino lunch.  I stuffed my face…as usual.  It was a great day!

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