Tuesday, July 19, 2011

But the real journey has just begun!

We had our final debriefing today.  I can’t believe the time has come for us to part.  Without a doubt this experience has changed my life.  I have learned a tremendous amount about others, myself, and life itself.  The people of the Philippines really have taught me more concrete lessons and life skills than what any professor at my university could.  I can honestly say that I am not the same person that I was before I left the United States a month and a half ago.  I want to stay here where life is appreciated, where family is truely valued, where kindness comes naturally.  I'm not too excited to returning to the money-driven, greedy citizens that we so commonly see in our American Soceity.  Now don't get me wrong, I am SO PROUD to live in the United States.  I am SO PROUD to be an American.  And this trip has made me realize even more how LUCKY I am to be an American, but I just believe that there are some values in the American citizens that need to be fine tuned.  That is all.  I wish every American could experience this program than maybe they’d stop complaining about what they don’t have and appreciate what they do have.  I have come away from this trip holding way more than before.  I have realized how incredibly fortunate I am.  I have never been without food, without a bed, without an education.  I am so lucky.  I’m left with so many questions unanswered.  At this very point I am still trying to process everything I experienced.  This marks the end of my journey in the Philippines, but the real journey has just begun…..

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