Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Waterfalls and FAMILYYYY

Today we headed to the Marine Conservation at Silliman University where we received a lecture and presentation by SUAKREM.  They educated us on the different programs and studies that they do with their students.  We got to see the shells and bones of fish and sea mammals that they discovered.  I thought about my good friend Emily Cadiz back in Hawaii who is studying Marine Biology.  She would enjoy this.  We also discussed Apo Island which we are going to visit in a week.  It is an island about 40 min via boat ride from Dumaguete.  Silliman University has a marine sanctuary there.  No one is allowed to fish in that area.  In the past they have had problems with fisherman catching too many fish and also damaging the coral.  We need to remember to care about our natural resources and the environment.  Nature is a beautiful thing and I was happy to see that we have advocates for protecting the environment.  After the presentation we headed to Forest camp an outdoor area where families go to spend time in a forest-like setting.  It’s like a park in the woods where you can have picnics and swim in the man-made pool.  There also is a hike that leads to Casaroro falls which is what we did.  We ate lunch, explored the premises, and then took a jeep ride to the hiking area.  I stood up the entire time on the jeep ride and let the wind blow through my hair.  I had a smile the entire time of the ride; the surrounding natural beauty was so serene.  We began the hike and I was first to lead the way.  I love hiking and whenever I do hikes, I’m always the one to jump to the front of the line and lead the way.  Something about being the first one on a new adventure excites me because I get to explore and discover things first. 
We arrived to the waterfall and jumped into the freezing water.  The waterfall was huge!  After a nice swim we hiked back to forest camp.  
On our way back to the hotel we made a detour to a cock fight.  I was sooooo excited to be able to see a real cock fight.   We walked into the pit and it was completely FILLED with Filipino men and some women.  Cock fights are usually a man’s affair so I think they were surprised to see us walk in, what I think surprised them even more was to see Caucasians.  Majority of my classmates are Caucasian.   The entire arena was looking at us, it was funny.  The vibe was chaotic and loud but exciting at the same time.  I’m not one to condemn to animal cruelty but watching a cock fight is part of the cultural experience.  Here in the United States cock fights are illegal.  I think some of my classmates didn’t enjoy watching it because the cocks fight  lasts until one dies.  Al, my professor said that it is like a ritual to go to cock fights on Sunday.  First they go to church, and then they head to the arena to bet.  When a new fight occurs, the Filipinos yell at the top of their lungs and hold up their hands to say how much they bet, it was cool.  

In the evening I went over to my Tita Coying’s house.  It was such an exciting night for me because my Lola, Tito Bobot, and Tita Yolly came in from Siquijor.  We had a nice family dinner with my Titos, Titas, cousins, and Lola.  I was so overwhelmed with happiness to be surrounded with my relatives whom I haven’t seen in 14 years.  The last time I saw everyone I was just a little girl.  Memories of my previous time in the Philippines flooded my head.  I remember running around Siquijor with my cousins and picking up goat poop thinking it was raisins trying to eat it.  I couldn’t help but smile at the end of the night thinking about how happy it was to be reunited with my relatives on my mother’s side.  Might I add that this is just a few of the relatives.  My lola is so adorable and cute.  My mother looks just like her.  My lola raised 9 wonderful children.  I couldn’t help but stare into her eyes and think to myself that this woman, my lola, is so amazing because she raised my mother, whom I find to be the most amazing woman in the world.  I hope to be just like my mother one day.  We had a nice family dinner.  I can’t stress enough how happy I was to be surrounded with my family.These are just my relatives that are in the area.   I have a bigggg family.

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