Tuesday, July 19, 2011


Started our day off touring Manila in a jeep-bus thingy!  What an experience it was riding in that jeep-bus thingy.  Manila drivers are locoooooo (as i mentioned before) We visited the Catholic Manila Cathedral and the Spanish Fortress.  Very beautiful architectures! Ate a Filipino lunch!!! I have been here for three days and every meal I’ve had is Filipino food, my favvv <3

We stopped by the park on the way home to play and interact with the children from the slums.  They were so excited to see us.  These children come from very poor lifestyles, yet they were filled with so much happiness and energy.  We sang, we danced, we talked.  It was a good time, day well spent.  It’s sad to see these little happy souls wearing torn up clothes and to have rotting teeth.  They are so young and have already fallen into the vicious cycle of poverty.  I wish there was something I could do.  I hope they continue to have high spirits throughout their life.  God bless them <3

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