Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The Imam and the Pastor

Everyone in my class has gone through experiences where conflict has been in their life.  I have heard so many stories where my classmates have witnessed their father and brothers get killed, or their soldiers getting blown up right in front of their face, or hearing how they got kidnapped for 6 months by Muslim extremists for trying to build peace in their society.  I couldn’t believe some of the stories that I heard.  Everyone in my class comes from different backgrounds but we all share the common goal of wanting to find a solution for us to live in harmony where people can respect one’s beliefs instead of resulting to violence.  In the past few days I have been exposed to so many valuable lessons that should be instilled into every human being….the will of reconciliation and the will to be open to one another’s diversity. We watched a video called the Imam and the Pastor (posted above).
Basically the Imam and the Pastor who are religious leaders in both of their religious communities were intimately involved with the violence occurring in their country.  It affected their lives in many aspects.  Pastor James lost his hand.  The Imam lost his father and two brothers.  Both were enemies.  But how beautiful it is that these two enemies were able to come together and reconcile.  They were able to forgive one another.  Now the Imam and the Pastor work together and travel throughout their country to participate in inter-faith dialogue where they educate those in their communities.  They preach forgiveness and acceptance of one another which is what the world needs right now. 
What a remarkable story!  We seldom here of stories like this and it is beautiful to see that there is still hope in the world for peace.

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